Date: February 22, 2021
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska (USA)
Address: 1205 First Avenue, 99701
Type: Dust Fire
Fuel: Coal Dust
Industry: Utilities Provider
Equipment: Unknown
Company: Aurora Energy
Database Incidents: None Recorded
Loss: No Injuries
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
According to its website, Aurora Energy is a utilities company that provides power to residences and businesses in central Fairbanks, Alaska, through a 15-mile-long network of subterranean pipest. Its power generation plant uses about 210,000 tons per year of coal for its boiler.
Incident Description:
On February 22, 2021, the Daily News-Miner reported a coal dust fire at a utilities provider in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Crews from several fire departments responded and worked for several hours to extinguish the flames. They were able to clear the scene later that morning.
No injuries were reported.
Previous Incidents
On February 21, 2021, Powder & Bulk Solids reported that a small fire broke out inside the facility on February 16. Fire personnel were able to put it out within 20 or 30 minutes. A fire official said that coal dust may have caused it.
Daily News-Miner
Powder & Bulk Solids