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Our goal with the podcast is to drive awareness, knowledge, connection and change in the safe handling of combustible dust. To listen to the episodes use the media player below or scroll down to check out the show notes for our backlog of episodes.
Podcast Player
You can listen to the Dust Safety Science podcast using this media player. Press play to listen to the most recent episode or toggle on the bottom right to view previous episodes. The mp3 files for each episode can be downloaded by clicking the ellipsis (…) and please subscribe, rate and review through iTunes.
List of Episodes
DSS296: Understanding IDA Systems for Combustible Dust Safety with Justin Badger
DSS295: Introducing the Explosion Protection Engineering Program at The University of Miskolc with Arpad Veress
DSS294: Introducing ExAI – Your In-House AI Assistant with Arpad Veress
DSS293: Pros and Cons of the DHA Checklist in NFPA 61 with Kyle Levanen
DSS292: Using Infrared Monitoring in Wood Products Facilities with Drew Hanover
DSS291: Comparing Appliances for Combustible Dust (ACD) and Class II Division 2 Vacuums with Stephen Watkins
DSS290: Using Wet Dust Collection for Low-Density Materials With John Schubert
DSS289: Benefits of Using Wet Dust Collection for Metal Dust Applications With John Schubert
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