Date: July 15, 2018
Location: Kansas City, Missouri (USA)
Address: Unknown
Type: Chemical Reaction
Fuel: Lime Dust
Industry: Water (Utilities)
Equipment: Lime Slaker
Company: KC Water
Previous Incidents: None Reported.
Loss: Two Injured
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
According to the company website, KC Water maintains and operates water services for 170,000 residential and business customers in Kansas City and for 32 wholesale customers in the Kansas City region. The company is funded by fees that customers pay based on their use or impacts on the water, wastewater, and stormwater utility systems.
Description of Lime Dust Explosion:
On July 15, 2018, KMBC News reported an explosion at a Kansas City water treatment facility. The incident, which happened at around 10:30 a.m., occurred when two workers were dealing with a lime slaker. An excess amount of lime suddenly came into contact with water and created a lime slurry that caused chemical burns.
Both employees were rushed to the hospital. One was released quickly while the other remained under observation for a few days. According to KCTV5, the plant opened for business, as usual, the next day.