Date: June 24, 2021
Location: Hexam, Northumberland (UK)
Address: South Tyne Mill, Fourstones, NE46 3SD
Type: Potential Dust Fire
Fuel: Paper Dust
Industry: Paper Mill (Pulp & Paper)
Equipment: Unknown
Company: Fourstones Paper Mill
Database Incidents: None Recorded
Loss: No Injuries
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
According to its website, Fourstones Paper Mill is a paper products company that operates from three sites in rural parts of Northumberland and Fife. Established in 1763, its product line includes tissue paper, hand towels, heavy-duty wipes, and toilet rolls.
Incident Description:
On June 24, 2021, Chronicle Live reported a fire at a paper mill in Hexam, Northumberland, UK.
Seven fire engines were sent to respond to the incident shortly before 3:50 p.m. Smoke poured from the paper mill building as firefighters tackled the flames with hoses. A farmer also helped to remove bails of burned paper.
The police were called in to manage traffic around the area due to nearby roads being closed. Once the fire was under control, crews remained at the scene for hours afterward to extinguish hot spots.
No injuries were reported.
Chronicle Live
The World News