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Dust Safety Science, Your Combustible Dust Hazard Solutions

Our Mission

ZERO Combustible
Dust Fatalities

Dust Safety Science is your one stop resource for all things combustible dust safety related.

We help companies prevent, manage, recover from, and learn more about combustible dust incidents.

Our members and community are working together to lead the way to a safer future, and a shared mission of at least one year with zero fatalities world-wide from combustible dust explosions.

How can we help you?

What they say about us

Itzik Ben-Shlush

Founder, Holistic EHS
North District, Israel

From the information you sent, I was able to connect with a few commercial labs to start to tackle our challenges with testing. Thank you again for your time and great effort!

Ted Yau

Principal Mechanical Engineer, WorleyParsons
Arcadia, California

I appreciate the prompt feedback and response from your team! When you provide the contact information for the qualified / recommended individuals, I will reach out to connect with them directly. Thank you for your help!

Philip Parsons

Senior Principal Consultant, BakerRisk
St. Petersburg, Florida

Our team was very encouraged with the contacts and opportunities made through the Dust Safety platform. All signs indicate the value will be realized from the extra investment!

Dust Safety Science Resources

Learn About
Combustible Dust

Learn what combustible dust is, what types of materials form combustible dust, fire, flash fire and explosion risks associated with these materials and more.

Learn About
Dust Explosion Hazards

Learn about the five factors needed for a dust explosion, case examples of major dust explosions from history and standards and regulations related to dust explosion prevention and protection.

Learn About
Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA)

Learn what a DHA is, why it is important, the 10 steps needed to complete a DHA at your facility, and tools, companies and professionals that can support you in this work.

Learn About
Combustible Dust Testing

Learn what combustible dust testing is, what laboratory tests are used, standards and regulations related to testing and how testing is integrated into a Dust Hazard Analysis

Learn About
Combustible Dust Collection

Learn about effective methods and approaches for dust collection, hood design, collection system design, dust cleaning, ATEX and rated vacuum systems.

Dust Safety Science Resources

Weekly Newsletter

Join our weekly newsletter, where we send out weekly combustible dust incident updates, share the latest findings and learning, and update you on the latest news in our community.

Combustible Dust Incident Database

Looking for a particular incident? You’ll find all the information about recent and historical combustible dust incidents in our comprehensive database.

Annual Incident Reporting

Get our annual combustible dust incident report, where we publish findings, analysis, and data on combustible dust fires and explosions from around the world.

Dust Safety Professionals Network

Looking for help post-incident?

Want to minimize or prevent any future fires or explosions?

We’ve compiled a list of available prevention and protection providers.

To make things easier for you, we can either put you in touch with the organizations that can best serve your needs directly OR you can browse and explore our listings for yourself.

How can we help you?

Or are you looking to get your organization listed as combustible dust safety equipment supplier or service provider?

If so - please email [email protected]

Join The Combustible

Dust Safety Community Today

Ready to join the Combustible Dusty Safety community, and support our mission of a year with 0 combustible related dust-fatalities worldwide?

Just enter your details below, and we’ll add you to our community of 2,753 other dust safety leaders and professionals.