Date: May 30, 2022
Location: Ituporanga, Santa Catarina (Brazil)
Address: SC-350
Type: Dust Fire
Fuel: Grain Dust
Industry: Grain Processing (Agriculture)
Equipment: Grain Dryer
Company: Unknown
Database Incidents: None Recorded
Loss: No Injuries
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
The company was not identified in any press coverage of the incident.
Incident Description:
On May 30, 2022, Oblumenauense reported a grain dryer fire in Ituporanga, Brazil. It contained 40 tons of corn.
The fire department responded at 4:10 p.m. and took over 10 and a half hours to put the fire out. It was necessary to use 54,000 litres of water from a municipal truck. The fire was concentrated in the silo, which was emptied of corn.
No injuries were reported.