Date: May 16, 2023
Location: Muscatine, Iowa (USA)
Address: 1700 Dick Drake Way, 52761
Type: Dust Fire
Fuel: Coal Dust
Industry: Power Generation
Equipment: Dust Collector
Company: Muscatine Power and Water
Database Incidents: None Recorded
Loss: No Injuries
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
According to its website, Muscatine Power and Water is a utility company located in Muscatine, Iowa. It provides electric, water, and communications services to the residents and businesses of Muscatine and surrounding areas. It also offers fiber optic internet, cable television, and telephone services through its communications division.
Incident Description:
On May 16, 2023, the Muscatine Journal reported a fire at a power generating plant in Muscatine, Iowa.
The morning staff at the plant discovered a contained coal fire in the dust collector located in the material-handling area outside the plant. Seven fire units promptly responded to what was initially reported as a “structure fire.” The flames were extinguished within 20 minutes. However, the fire crews remained on the scene until around 10:30 a.m. to ensure there were no remaining hot spots in the system.
The dust collector sustained minimal damage, and the exact monetary value of the damage is unknown at this time. No injuries were reported.
Muscatine Journal