John Schubert, Founder and Manager of Engineering at Schubert Environmental Equipment and ReplaceAIR, discusses the benefits of wet dust collection.
DSS288: Weighing Pros And Cons Of Different Dust Explosion Isolation Systems With Brian Edwards
Brian Edwards from Fike explains the pros, cons, and applications of passive and active dust explosion isolation systems in combustible dust environments.
DSS287: Introducing the Master of Science in Explosion Protection Engineering Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute with Dr. Ali Rangwala and Dr. Stephen Kmiotek
Dr. Ali Rangwala and Dr. Stephen Kmitoek share details about the new Master of Science in Explosion Protection Engineering Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
DSS286: Five Misconceptions About Dust Collector Maintenance with Chrissy Klocker
Chrissy Klocker from Donaldson shares key insights on dust collection system maintenance, debunking common misconceptions to keep operations safe and efficient.
DSS285: Introducing AW-OZ – a Web-Based Risk Assessment Solution with Dr. Andrzej Wolff
Dr. Andrezj Wolff, from Grupa Wolff based out of Krakow, Poland, introduces a web-based risk assessment solution called AW-OZ.
DSS284: A Strategy For Testing Multiple Mixes of Materials With Matthew Williamson
Matt Williamson, Director of Engineering at ADF Engineering, discusses a strategy for testing multiple mixes of materials.
DSS283: Protecting Hammer Mills as per NFPA Requirements with Matthew Williamson
Matt Williamson, Director of Engineering at ADF Engineering, demonstrates how to protect hammer mills as per NFPA requirements.
DSS282: Robot Systems Update: Can We Use Robots In Hazardous Areas With Adam Haroz
Adam Haroz, Director of Engineering at Conversion Technology, Inc. explains whether you can safely use robots in hazardous areas.
DSS281: Transition From Coal to Alternative Fuels in Cement Production With Vincent Grosskopf
Vincent Grosskopf, founder of Coal Mill Safety, discusses transitioning from coal to alternative fuels and cement production.
DSS280: Applying the Worksheet Approach to Assessing Combustible Dust Hazards with Dr. Georg Suter
Dr Georg Suter, Senior Consultant with FireEx Limited, discusses the worksheet approach on combustible dust hazards and how to assess them.