Date: September 5, 2021
Location: Lages, Santa Catarina (Brazil)
Address: R. Heliodoro Muniz, 1480 – Área Industrial.
Type: Dust Explosion
Fuel: Wood Dust
Industry: Door Manufacturing (Wood and Wood Products)
Equipment: Sawdust Silo
Company: Madepar Indústria e Comércio de Madeiras Ltda.
Database Incidents: None Recorded
Loss: No Injuries
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
According to its website, Madepar Indústria e Comércio de Madeiras Ltda. is a custom door manufacturer in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. It has a 34,000 m² industrial park and has a product line that includes special doors for custom applications.
Incident Description:
On September 5, 2021, Sao Joaquim Online reported an explosion and fire at a custom door manufacturer in Lages, Brazil.
The fire department was alerted at 2:50 a.m. and found the fire in a sawdust silo. Employees informed firefighters that the explosion had occurred near a boiler in the silo.
Crews confirmed that the silo door was open and that the fire had also been spreading through the top. Firefighting was conducted through a side door with a compact jet at a safe distance, since the structure was at great risk of collapse. After the flames subsided, a second door was opened on the other side of the silo, making it possible to fight the fire more efficiently. In addition, as the sawdust came out through the silo doors, a company machine removed it to another location.
Firefighters spent nearly five hours working with the company’s fire brigade to get the flames under control. Approximately 100,000 litres of water were used.
No injuries were reported.
Sao Joaquim Online