Date: August 11, 2019
Location: Andhra Pradesh, Srikakulam (India)
Address: Srikakulam Ho, – 532001, Pydibhimavaram
Type: Dust Explosion
Fuel: Ash
Industry: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Equipment: Boiler
Company: Aurobindo Pharma
Database Incidents: None Recorded
Loss: Two Dead, One Injured
Capital Cost: Unknown
Status: Open
Confirmation: Unconfirmed
Company Description:
According to the company website, Aurobindo Pharma is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company headquartered in Hyderabad, India. It was founded in 1986 and has five research centers that employ over 1560 scientists and analysts. Product areas include antibiotics, antiretrovirals, cardiovascular products, central nervous system products, gastroenterological products, and anti-allergics.
Incident Description:
On August 12, 2019, the News Minute reported an explosion at a pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Andhra Pradesh, India.
The police reported that ash powder had blocked the boiler. When three workers went to check on the problem, the explosion occurred. Two of them were killed instantly while the third person jumped out of the window, suffering severe injuries.
Leaders of the company worker’s union staged a protest, demanding compensation for the families of the deceased workers and coverage of the injured worker’s medical treatment.
A representative of the management reportedly said that the company had agreed to compensate the relatives of the deceased. Sources quoted in the Times of India said that the explosion was caused by excess pressure in the boiler.
Previous Incidents:
On December 20, 2014, First Post reported an explosion at the same facility. The Ranastalam police reported that three people suffered burn injuries when a reactor exploded. They were taken to the hospital for treatment.
On December 14, 2016, the Business Standard reported a flash fire at Aurobindo Pharma in Andhra Pradesh. Two people were killed and a third was seriously injured. The company noted that there was no material impact on company operations.
On January 24, 2014, Zee News reported that three contract workers were injured in an explosion at the Aurobindo Pharma unit. The incident occurred when a boiler attached to a plant transformer caught fire, apparently due to a short circuit. The workers were treated at a nearby hospital.
On November 27, 2011, Pharmaceutical Technology reported that three employees at Aurobindo Pharma suffered severe burns after a reactor exploded. They were working in the manufacturing plant when the explosion occurred, and each worker suffered burns to over 90% of their body. All three were taken to a private hospital, where they were reported to be in critical condition.
News Minute
First Post
Business Standard
Zee News
Pharmaceutical Technology